Magento 2.x
CategoryMagento 2.x – Add custom attribute to customer model and show on admin panel
You will need to perform some basic steps to create and set a new attribute on the customer model.
- Create a new module, with a setup ..
Magento 2.x – Validate if a customer is logged in or not
To check if customer is loged in or not you can call Magento\Customer\Model\Session::isLoggedIn() method.
If you want to do that proper..
Magento 2.x: How to fix “Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined(anonymous function)” javascript message
Sometimes when developing js inside a module, you will see the following message:
Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined(anonym..
Magento 2.x – How to get and access custom attributes on “getLoadedProductCollection()” iteration
If you are modifying Magento_Catalog/templates/product/list.phtml and you are trying to access to a custom attribute <attr_id> inside the ..
Magento 2.x – fix “Import failed: Unable to unserialize value, string is corrupted.” when app:config:import
If you are trying to import the configuration of your store withing the CLI interface with the app:config:import command, and you are faci..
Magento 2.x – How to run a cronjob process by its code
If you need to run just a cron process per its code, the fastest way is using n98-magerun2 tool, if you are not familiar with, this is a ..
Magento 2.x – How to manage multiple AND and OR conditions to filter / filterGroups
If you are trying to get and filter data for certain collection, using its repository. You will need to to create a Searchcritearia as fol..
Magento 2.x : Remove “Menu” Tab in Mobile nav
If you need to remove the “Menu” tab in the mobile menu but keep the “Account” tab in place, the easiest way is doing it css based without..
Upgrade to Magento 2.3 – Common upgrade issues and walkthroughs
You will need (first) to install PHP7.1.3 | PHP7.2 in your system, to do so, follow those steps:
Follow the following steps accord..
Magento 2.x – Add new top link and remove existing one using xml
If you want to do some changes on the top links of your store, such as adding new ones, or removing default ones, you will need to have yo..